February 15, 2013

Sensaris 推出“空气质量智能手机”全球网络。
首款智能城市 iPhone 和 Android 应用程序配件。

2013 年 2 月,法国克罗尔市
英国最近的争论及中国城市发布细微颗粒浓度的必要性无一不彰显着人们对空气质量监测日益浓厚的兴趣。一项针对中国人口的研究表示,42% 的受调查人员最关注的是城市大气污染或其健康效应。
Sensaris 在 4 大洲的 15 个城市推行了试验项目和部署后,目前正推出首个基于云技术和智能手机的空气质量监测全球网络。
诸如噪声、一氧化碳、氮氧化合物、臭氧、二氧化碳、紫外线、细微颗粒、湿度、温度、辐射等环境数据以及 GPS 定位都可无线发送至 iPhone 或 Android 移动设备。用户可选择在手机上存储数据,将其发送至服务器以进行实时映射,或本地存储在 Senspod 的内存卡上以便稍后传输。此专利申请中的解决方案将便于市民监测室内和室外空气质量,并通过社交网络应用程序比较和共享结果。对于智能城市服务而言,此袖珍型 Senspod 可在行走时使用,可安装在车辆(自行车、小轿车)上或是放置在城市公共设施上使用。我们可扩展的架构结合了易于使用的移动应用程序和我们基于 web 的界面,可确保帮助我们的客户进行轻松部署。
在许多情况下,小轿车内的传感器比城市中的空气质量监测站还要多。随着来自 1 月份蓝牙创新世界杯的提振,我们非常高兴在今年夏季能够在多个新城市中部署 Senspod。我们的设备和软件将为市民和社区提供改善空气质量的新型方式,同时社交网络工具的使用将能够在全球范围内促进理念和解决方案的交流。这对于增强人们引入本地解决方案以解决此日益突出问题的决心和斗志而言是非常重要的一步。
Senspod 的每日所需费用还不到在咖啡厅消费一杯咖啡的花销。

February 4, 2013

We looked at various systems, but they did address mostly messaging and were often far too costly to deploy or suited just for one country. (See for example US driven Direct Project).Y3 enables us to design mobile centric solutions which are both interoperable and future proof. Yobidrive’s CEO, François Vaille, describes their vision pertaining to the use of PKI for Securing The Internet of Things:

Yobi Drive’s Blog: Securing the Internet of things.

Let’s take a pulse Oximeter: raw saturation data has to be cleaned from non representative measurement points, added to a live data set, but also aggregated day by day… the real, meaningful data is not the raw data from the sensor. Primary data is the saturation, metadata can be location, date and time, authorized readers, sensor health… context could be “live data” or “archived”.

All those operations being managed in a Y3 context transition, the data is encrypted with the keys of the sensor immediately after all those transforms in the blackboxed Y3 API, and stored ready for use by mHealth visualization apps. Those apps access the meaningful sensor data after door opening ( so decryption enablement ) by the end user himself, in the same way than he accesses protected shares in YobiDrive FX.

IoT is a very simple and natural application of contextual storage, immediately adding intelligence to the raw nature of – not so – smart things.

Whether used for chronic disease management, in hospitals or real time monitoring during emergency transport, security and trust are always among the top requirements for our customers. Even in a growingly fragmented and diverse mobile environment, once healthcare providers have agreed on PKI certificates revocation checking, one of the last barriers to adoption will have been addressed ; patients at the center of the healthcare system, will be able to use the m-Health Internet of Things on a daily basis.

To go further:

The Direct Project: Sending health information over the cloud

C. Doukas et al., Enabling data protection through PKI encryption in IoT m-Health devices, 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics and bioengineering (BIBE), p 25-29.

Healthcare use of X.509 and PKI is trust worthy when managed